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Guitar Maintenance
Corsa-Faber Hardware Upgrades
Explore Corsa-Faber USA upgrade hardware parts for Gibson, Epiphone and similar import guitars. See new bridge, saddle, tailpiece deisgns to improve your guitar.
Acoustic Guitars, Bass Guitars, Bass Setups, Electric Guitars, Guitar Maintenance, Guitar Setups, Luthier Resources
Fretboard Conditioner
Everybody should take care of their gear to maintain optimal playability. Learn how to find and apply the best fretboard wood cleaners and conditioners.
Stratocaster Tremolo Setup – Floating vs. Decked vs. Blocked
This article is written to demystify the three ways to set-up a Fender style tremolo bridge. Learn about floating, decking, and blocking a Stratocaster bridge.
Soldering Guitar Pickups, Circuit Wiring, and Parts
Soldering is an essential skill for building and repairing guitar circuit wiring. Learn about guitar soldering including soldering station kits, tools, and how to solder guitar pickups and parts. What...
Sierreño Requinto Guitar Setup
Learn about a requinto style guitar setup for Norteño music, especially Sierreño style music, is unique. A guitar setup for this genre requires a unique string configuration, custom tuning, and...
Why You Need a Professional Guitar Setup or Bass Setup
This article will introduce you to what is included in a professional guitar setup, the cost for a guitar setup and the benefits you will enjoy with a guitar in...